We beg you, Master,
be our help and strength.
Save those among us who are oppressed,
have pity on the lowly,
and lift up the fallen.
Heal the sick, bring back the straying,
and feed the hungry.
Release those in prison,
steady those who falter,
and strengthen the fainthearted.
Let all nations come to know You, the one God,
with Your Son Jesus Christ,
and us Your people and sheep of Your pasture.
Do not keep count of the sins of Your servants,
but purify us through the bath of Your truth
and direct our steps.
Help us to walk in holiness of heart,
and to do what is good and pleasing in Your eyes
and in the eyes of our rulers.
Master, let Your face shine on us
to grant us every good in peace,
protect us by Your powerful hand,
deliver us from every evil by the might of your arm.
Grant us and all who dwell on this earth
peace and harmony, O Lord.