Dear God, all over the world now,
the children of Holy Mother Church are singing:
"Send down dew from above, you heavens,
and let the skies pour down upon us
the rain we long for, Him, the Just One.
May He, the Savior,
spring from the closed womb of the earth!"
We know, Lord, and we have seen,
what drought does to the land.
We know, too, and have seen,
the ravages of frost and cold.
We have walked in barren fields and up dry hills,
through dead, silent woods and lifeless valleys,
and along thirsty beds of once flowing streams.
We have seen, clearly enacted for us upon the land,
what our life would be without You.
We can understand, now,
how we should long for Your coming.
Come, dear Lord and Savior,
and do not delay!
Rise up in Your power and come!
Let the rain of Your grace water the parched soil of our souls.
Let the warmth of Your love thaw the coldness of our indifference.
Let the life of Your Body and Blood
vitalize our deadened energies,
and stir us up to fruitful labor in Your vineyard.