Today, again, I am in Your presence,
Your real presence, Your saving presence.
I adore You.
I am allowed by You to be before You here.
I see it’s a beautiful day outside, a pure blue sky.
The sun shines on the green and gold house
reminding me of home and family.
Here I am in Alto Hospicio.
It was dark earlier when I got up,
but now it’s bright.
You say to me, “Neither do I condemn you.”
I depend on these words;
I believe in these words.
It makes me happy that You are merciful,
especially to those who live so much alone.
I want to be merciful, too.
Give me Your Holy Spirit today
to keep me from sin and live in Your peace.
You who is merciful as Your Father is merciful.
- Columban Fr. Michael Howe